who we are
FlexArena is a modern and dynamic company with professionals motivated by consolidated experience in architecture, engineering, and construction of sports and multifunctional infrastructures. It has crucial partnerships with Law firms of international standing, specialized in sports and entertainment, and Companies experienced in the marketing of advertising and commercial space. We invest in multidisciplinary approaches to consolidate our objectives: to realize the facility in a short period while respecting the procedural process required by the competent authorities. FlexArena supports the Client in all the stages of the project as the only interlocutor. We are a team that guarantees solutions, relieving the Client from the complex task of identifying different partners to make the project work and interacting with all the professionals necessary for the plant construction process.

The Colosseum, the ancient Roman amphitheater and symbol of Roman civilization, inspired the Flexarena concept. An engineering masterpiece that for over 500 years represented the fulcrum of city life in ancient Rome. To the social function, it added a functional versatility that made the arena avant-garde and unique. The first and proper multifunctional facility in history could be transformed from an arena for games and fights in the theater of legendary naval battles, giving an audience of over 40,000 people belonging to any social class, shows, and highly emotional experiences.
Technologically advanced, digital, and environmentally sustainable. FlexArena systems maximize the involvement of the public by offering a complete experience. A project that fully meets the current needs of the entertainment market and the demands of an audience that wants to live the event with maximum intensity. Design, comfort, and services reach levels hitherto unknown in most similar facilities and unthinkable for arenas of the same level and cost. FlexArena encompasses the participation of every stakeholder involved in the various phases of design, construction, and management of the facility: a sports facility designed to create new jobs in the area and comprehensively enhance the urban and social context.




patents and Technologies
Choice of materials, assembly techniques, and design lines are at the forefront of sports facilities. The international patent of the “modular grandstand” makes the structures adaptable to any event and capacity. The speed of transformation without sacrificing the quality of the results is the prerogative of FlexArena, an added value to meet the needs of each customer who can provide within its stadia services such as stores, restaurants, and primary functions related to the world of sport.
contact us
We are always happy to answer your questions. If you would like more information, please contact us by clicking the button below.